Emily Pennink, co-chair PA chapel
"I have known Laura for more than 10 years. She is an excellent and highly skilled union organiser – compassionate, fearless and unflappable. I cannot think of a better person to lead the NUJ at a time of great change in the media industry.
I first met Laura when I was going through a complicated consultation process. Her excellent advice and calm influence throughout that difficult period has stood me in great stead. I often find myself repeating what I learned from her or asking myself ‘what Laura would do?’ when I am called upon to help others in my role as co-chair of the PA Chapel. Without Laura’s energy, support and wise counsel, the PA chapel’s four-year long campaign for union recognition at PA would not have succeeded.

Jonathan Brady co-chair PA chapel
"I cannot think of anybody better suited to take our Union forward through these times of change and uncertainty in our industry than Laura Davison. I have gotten to know Laura well over the past four years as she has helped myself and fellow members of our chapel committee achieve our historic recognition at PA Media (Press Association). Her calmness, compassion, humour, expertise, and strategising have been remarkable to witness first hand and were key to lending us the courage to battle on at times when we thought the challenge was beyond our capabilities. I know she has also lent her support to our members at PA, past and present, in a more personal capacity when called upon and that support has always been invaluable and culminated in successful outcomes. I know she will be a credit to our union should she be elected to the post she seeks and no doubt a great success in the years to come, whatever present and future challenges face our industry.