Supporters include...

Samira Ahmed
BBC journalist
Jim Boumelha
IFJ Treasurer
"Laura has shown formidable skills connecting NUJ journalists in dispute with international colleagues. Obtaining support from sister unions in Japan and the US when it mattered most to NUJ members demonstrated a unique competence.”
Sian Jones
Former President
“I have worked closely with Laura. She has the experience, vision and tenacity to take the NUJ to the next stage.”

Mohammed Elfeniche
Reporter and producer Alghad tv
"International broadcasting is increasingly important, it is vital to have a General Secretary who understands this environment."
Fran McNulty
Vice President (job share), RTÉ anchor
"I have seen first-hand the strength of Laura's experience in securing union recognition for our members in the Press Association – a landmark breakthrough in a long campaign. Laura’s experience as a union organiser in the BBC will stand her in good stead as General Secretary in our great union, in particular for
members at RTÉ”
Debbie Cavaldoro
Chair of Standing Orders Committee
“An effective general secretary needs broad support from members and activists. Laura has that in spadefuls, that’s why she gets my vote.”
The video is also on YouTube. You can find it and share it from here:
Election issues...
Currently, National Organiser, Broadcasting
This role leads negotiations with the BBC, Al Jazeera English, Iran International, Red Bee, Channel 4 News and ITN and co-ordinates more than 100 BBC reps.
2014-2024 National Organiser, Newspapers, Agencies and Digital
Led, or was involved in negotiations with: PA, Vice, Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Guardian, Reach, National World, Thomson Reuters, and many others.
2007-2014 Assistant Organiser in Publishing, Broadcasting, and cover as National Broadcasting Organiser.
Also, represented NUJ on EFJ Digital Expert Group, Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, Federation of Entertainment Unions.
Servicing officer: Newspapers and Agencies Industrial Council, New Media Industrial Council, National World Group Chapel.
NUJ support for members is outstanding. All full-time officials, the General Secretary included, undertake personal case work alongside our amazing lay reps. For freelances this is the mainstay of the backing they receive, chasing payments, defending copyright, and unpicking tangles with the authorities. Our employed members receive help with redundancy, bullying, flexible working, grievance and disciplinary issues, among other things. Happily many members never need such intervention – but under my leadership they can be assured that they, their co-workers, their freelance colleagues, will get help when it’s needed.
Being ‘recognised’ by an employer gives a union a clear status to negotiate and provides chapel members with a strong collective voice at work. Some employers voluntarily recognise unions, others do so once it has been proven that more than half the workforce supports a union. Gaining recognition is the key that unlocks a the NUJ's workplace influence, as well as being the most dependable route to building membership. That is why the PA recognition, which I led alongside our brilliant reps, is such a landmark win. Building on this elsewhere will be a priority under my leadership.
Ballot papers will be sent to all members on 16 September. The law requires that voting is by post. Ballot papers must be returned by 7 October. The result will be announced on 8 October.
The rest of the timetable is technical. Its details are as follows.
Closing date for applications: 27 August
Shortlisting by the National Executive: 3 September
Closing date for receipt of campaign material: 19 September
National Executive endorsement of result: 8 October.
Email: – Twitter/X: @laura4gs –
Facebook supporters' group